Menopause care Lake Mary , FL - Equilibrium Hormone Institute

Understanding Menopause and Associated Changes

The onset of menopause marks the end of a woman's reproductive years. The term refers to the point in time when permanent cessation of the primary functions of the human ovaries occur: the ripening and release of ova and the release of hormones that cause menstruation.

This natural biological process usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55 as a woman's estrogen and progesterone levels decline. As one approaches menopause, periods become irregular and eventually stop completely. It is confirmed after 12 months without a period.

Menopause brings with it many changes that can significantly impact one's quality of life. Being educated on what to expect and proactively addressing symptoms is key.

Common Symptoms

Physical and emotional menopause symptoms arise from hormone fluctuations and declines. They range widely in occurrence, duration and intensity between women.

Common physical symptoms include:

Emotional symptoms like moodiness, anxiety, irritability are also frequent. Fatigue from sleep disruptions can exacerbate these effects.

Menopause can also increase risks for certain medical conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease when estrogen levels drop significantly.

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Role of Hormones

Hormones are powerful substances in small amounts that impact many aspects of health. Declining and fluctuating estrogen and progesterone levels are primarily responsible for menstruation changes leading up to and symptoms arising from menopause.

Estrogen in particular has widespread receptors in tissues throughout woman's bodies and impacts:

Thus hormonal imbalances triggered by natural menopause onset directly cause unpleasant physiological and psychological symptoms.

Seeking Treatment

Lifestyle changes like avoiding triggers, staying cool, reducing stress and the right diet/exercise can help cope with menopause symptoms. However for moderate to severe symptoms that impact sleep, relationships and quality of life - seeking medical treatment is advised.

Working with menopause health experts to understand your hormone levels through blood and saliva tests is key. Based on results, bioidentical hormones, supplements or medication may be prescribed to restore balance, health and vitality.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Treating menopause through customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can offer women lasting relief from short and long term symptoms - while promoting optimal health as estrogen levels decline.

It may also provide protective effects against age related diseases. Recent medical research supports use of bioidentical hormones like estradiol and progesterone to:

Bioidentical means the molecular structure is identical to the estradiol and progesterone made in the female body. This makes receptor binding and use highly efficient. Conventional synthetic hormones are not bioidentical, and studies show higher rates of side effects.

Menopause experts can prescribe customized BHRT programs based on a woman's:

Working closely with specialty menopause practitioners is advised over conventional OB-GYNs. BHRT regimens are tailored to the unique physiology of each woman for optimal safety and results.

Types of Bioidentical Estrogen

There are three main types of bioidentical estrogens:

Each bioidentical estrogenic compound offers specific effects. Menopause doctors versed in hormonal balance can determine which combination of estradiol/estrone/estriol along with progesterone offers the best fit.

Estradiol is most commonly recommended due to its potency and vital impacts throughout the female body via estrogen receptor activation. However effects can vary individually.

Delivery Methods

BHRT offers flexibility in how customized bioidentical estrogen and progesterone can be administered:

Pills - Oral route, easy yet potential liver processing issues

Creams - Transdermal, applied to soft tissues for absorption

Injections - Direct intramuscular shots or subcutaneous pellets

Intravaginal rings - Flexible for low doses released locally

BHRT experts examine hormone deficiency symptoms and testing data to determine optimal mode of delivery on a woman-by-woman basis.

Dosages & Monitoring

Starting dose, timing, adjustments and ongoing monitoring are all part of a customized BHRT regimen. Most protocols start with low doses gradually increased over weeks/months in step with bloodwork and symptom assessments. This helps gauge individual response to added hormones while minimizing side effects.

Ongoing follow up blood tests will help ensure ideal hormone levels are achieved and maintained long term for each woman’s physiology and menopause status.

Finding an experienced bioidentical hormone therapy specialist you trust is as important as the compounds themselves when it comes to treatment success.

Take control of your menopause symptoms, seek treatment.

Importance of Timely Menopause Treatment

Recognizing and treating the hormonal imbalance causing menopause symptoms is crucial for two key reasons:

1. Symptom Management & Improved Quality of Life

Seeking proper menopause care early allows prompt relief from symptoms that can otherwise persist for 7 years or more as hormone levels keep changing. This restores energy, sleeping patterns, emotional balance and health.

2. Reduced Long Term Health Risks

Studies show the first few years after menstruation ends the estrogen deficit is most drastic. This coincides with rapid bone loss and higher cardiovascular disease risk if not properly addressed.

Starting evidence based bioidentical hormone therapy ASAP provides protective effects against osteoporosis and heart disease - reducing likelihood of fractures and medical issues years later.

That’s why both the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) and top medical institutions emphasize timely evaluation and treatment for symptoms arising from menopause induced hormonal changes.

Who Needs Treatment

Every woman experiences different symptoms and severity levels due to individual factors like:

NAMS guidelines recommend medical consultation if menopause symptoms like:

Persist for more than 6 months and cause distress or interfere with activities/relationships. Starting treatment helps resolve these issues.

Bioidentical hormone therapy is also generally advised for most healthy women under 60 years old - especially within 5 years of last period. Supporting the body with supplemental hormones while levels are still adjusting can prevent long term health declines.

Working with a specialist to interpret testing is prudent to determine if treatment can benefit.

Lake Mary Menopause Experts

The healthcare providers at Equilibrium Hormone Institute specialize in evidence based diagnosis, treatment and management of age-related hormonal imbalance issues in women and men.

We leverage the latest medical research and advanced testing to deliver fully personalized care programs - optimizing hormone levels to relieve symptoms and enhance patient health, function and vitality.

Our clinic offers premier menopause, hormone therapy and wellness services to residents of Lake Mary and surrounding Central Florida cities.

Our Approach

Equilibrium Hormone Institute was founded by Dr. ABC, a board certified medical practitioner specializing in hormonally-linked symptoms and customized bioidentical hormone replacement protocols.

We focus on identifying and addressing the root physiological imbalance causing unwanted menopause issues, rather than just temporarily managing select symptoms.

Detailed analysis of bloodwork and genes combined with latest scientific data allows us to tailor treatment plans with natural hormones, supplements and therapies specifically matched to each patient’s:

This ‘Precision Health’ approach delivers optimal safety and efficacy. We partner closely with patients long term to track progress and calibrate programs to keep hormones optimized as needs evolve.

Our Menopause & Hormone Therapy Services

We offer comprehensive care with an integrated team of functional health and bioidentical hormone experts providing:

Hormone deficiency evaluation - History, exam, symptom survey, lab testing

Custom hormonal balancing programs - BioTE pellets, creams, patches, nebido shots

Ongoing monitoring and support - Follow up, med adjustments, new therapies

Lifestyle guidance - Diet, fitness, stress reduction techniques

Supplement recommendations - Vitamins, botanicals, nutraceuticals

Wellness planning - Weight optimization, sleep hygiene, sex health, cellular support

Let our menopause practitioner team help you restore hormone balance and feel your best again!

Lake Mary: Active Lifestyle Capital

We are proud members of the Lake Mary community and neighboring Sanford area. The region offers:

Beautiful residential neighborhoods, quality schools

With a sunny subtropical climate, it’s an ideal setting to enjoy an active lifestyle around age-optimized hormone levels all year.

Nearby community partners like Quest Diagnostics, Anytime Fitness and the La Vida Massage & Wellness Center complement our integrative care options for menopause support and beyond.

Let our exceptional menopause experts help you relieve concerning symptoms and rediscover your vitality through advanced hormone optimization therapies.

Interesting fact

Studies show that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be very effective at managing troublesome menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood changes, and sleep disturbances. CBT helps women identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors related to menopause, providing lasting skills to cope with this transition. Research indicates it works as well as or better than medications for some women.

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